Halloween in Essex,is a fun family affair. As the leaves and the temperature fall on this historic town on the banks of the Connecticut river, parents get just as excited as their children in wearing costumes. After sunset they march down Main Street to the beat of a different drummer.
The parade moves at a slow pace, mostly on Dad’s shoulders as the main mean of locomotion for tots under 3 years old. Older children take great joy in playing in the heaps of autumn leaves. There are many stops on the way for treats and to chit chat with extended family and friends. The end destination is Essex Square, close to the harbor, where giant butterflies, creepy ghouls, princesses and pirates will mingle and warm up around a big bonfire, munch on popcorn and feast on barbecue fare.
Above is a graphic wink to the great Mexican artist J.G. Posada (1852-1913), whose humorous cavorting skeletons or Calaveras engravings were distributed on All Souls Day: November second.