By now it seems that everyone has caught on to the idea of clothes in the “Cheap Chic” mode, as we defined it a few decades ago. As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of this book, I wondered what is the lasting appeal of “Cheap Chic” a generation or two later? I still sense these two words are an expression of personal style; blending thrift and imagination, yet with an emphasis on keeping it simple. It still defines the freedom from fleeting fashion trends. Cheap Chic is a harmonious symbiosis between natural style and whimsy.

CC is not about buying CHEAP clothes for the sake of getting something inexpensive at the expense of sweat factories abroad. It is not about being a walking logo billboard for brands. It is not about a race for being the latest in fashionable gear. The CHIC in design choices is an aesthetic concept that comes with making discerning decisions.

There is an old timer’s advantage in knowing the qualities of natural fabrics and the luxury of fine craftsmanship. But I also want to acknowledge how far we have come in making our life so much easier with innovative stretch everyday-wear, drip dry durable synthetics fibers, cushioned sneakers, and insulated affordable winter covers. My interest in clothes still gives me the joy of renewing my looks, of exploring numerous personalities, of glimmering and shining once in a while. It gives me the opportunity to give visual treats to others, to confidently wear the old luxury basics and enjoy the day.  That’s what’s amazing about clothes today: The possibilities for Chic on the Cheap are endless !